Quality workmanship should be the first thing you consider
and the last thing you should have to worry about.
704 237-0269
Owner: Tommy  West

Statesville,  N.C.  28677

Phone #  (704) 237-0269

Contact Us
Description  new construction, pier builder, boat dock builder,repairs, roof, fixed docks,re-floats, floats, flotation,  boathouse, demolition and disposal, demo, cable lifts, floating lifts, gazebos, retaining walls,sea walls, wood, Lumber, composite, Vinyl,pile driving, poles, piles, decking,fixed docks, decks, board walks, pressure wash, stain, water seal,Endeck,Cevn, Azek,Trex, Evergrain, ShoreMaster, Tide Tamer, Lunmar, Iredell county, Catawba, Lincolnton, Denver,
Troutman, Huntersville, Cornelius, Davidson, Mooresville, Statesville, Hickory, Lake Norman, mountain Island, Lake James, Lake Tillery, Badin Lake, High Rock Lake, Sherrills Ford, Terrell, electrician, Shoreside Services, Free Estimates Lake Norman North Carolina pier builder boat dock builder boat lifts pile driving gazebos boardwalks sea walls. All custom Work Isn't Created Equal featured listings Lake Norman  dock,  pier builder, Boat lifts, LKN specials free
6,000lbs boat lift please contact for details additional hrs of service details calls welcome any time. I'd be happy to help you in any way. For emergencies call first also email  Description  new construction, pier builder, boat dock builder,repairs, roof, fixed docks, boathouse, demolition and disposal, demo, cable lifts, floating lifts, gazebos, retaining walls,sea walls, wood, Lumber, composite, Vinyl,pile driving, poles, piles, decking,fixed docks, decks, board walks,
pressure wash, stain, water seal,Endeck,Trex, Evergrain, ShoreMaster, Tide Tamer, Boat Lifts U.S., Iredell county, Catawba, Lincolnton, Denver, Troutman, Huntersville, Cornelius, Davidson, Mooresville, Statesville, Hickory, Lake Norman, mountain Island, Lake James, Lake Tillery, Badin Lake, High Rock Lake, Sherrills Ford, Terrell, electrician, Shoreside Services, Free Estimates Lake Norman North Carolina pier builder boat dock builder boat lifts pile driving
gazebos boardwalks sea walls. All custom Work Isn't Created Equal featured listings Lake Norman  dock,  pier builder, Boat lifts, LKN .
If you are looking to buy or sell a used boat lift maybe we can help.  I can help you to sell your lift by placing a picture and
description here on my site. If your looking to buy a used boat lift maybe you will like what you see below.  If you don't see
any boat lifts below I am currently out of stock and have no leads on any.
You came to the right place if you need a used lift removed from a boat dock and towed and then reinstalled into another
boat slip. Just call us and give a description of the lift, the current location, and the destination of the boat lift and we will
be glad to accommodate your needs.
I currently don't have any used lifts.  
Used Boat Lifts