Quality workmanship should be the first thing you consider
and the last thing you should have to worry about.
Sale your old boat dock. If your boat dock is not what you are looking for any more just sell it. The cost to demolish and dispose a dock is not cheap.
Don't be fooled by some dock builders that hide the cost of demo into the other cost of construction. Consider the average cost for demo is $40 a ton
plus gas to haul off the material, then you have to add the cost to pay someone to demolish and dispose of the dock. The contractor has to pay for
insurance and workers. The Average cost to demo should be between$2.50 to $3.50 per sq. Ft. The bottom line is that it cost to have your old dock
removed from your property. Well now you can try to sell your old dock and get payed instead. Send me your pictures if your dock is in reasonable
shape and you would like to try to sell it.
We have great rates on our pile driving services. We Offer services to relocate your used dock. We can set your used
boat dock with new wooden pilings or metal poles.
List your dock here Free service for listings on local docks