Quality workmanship should be the first thing you consider
and the last thing you should have to worry about.

We can drive pilings for all your needs weather it be for a pier, boat dock, cable lift, or a sea wall. Even for you Do-it-Yourself guys that
want to build your own pier but just need someone to drive the pilings; we will accommodate your needs.
Pile driving can be an expensive cost in maintaining your current pier and boat dock or as part of the cost in your new pier and dock
system. I have built a pile driver that has the ability to drive longer pilings when needed. There are times when the water is so low that
many pile drivers are unable to get the long pilings under the hammer due to shorter booms. The reason for the small barges is to keep
the maintenance cost low and to be more mobile. I feel that the prices should reflect back to the customer, so I have worked out a very
reasonable price method that will allow me to have lower pricing. I can drive as few or as many pilings as needed. Give us a call and you
will be happy with the price and quality of work.
Description new construction, pier builder, boat dock builder,repairs, roof, fixed docks,re-floats, floats, flotation, boathouse, demolition and disposal, demo, cable lifts, floating lifts, gazebos, retaining walls,sea walls, wood, Lumber, composite, Vinyl,pile driving, poles, piles, decking,fixed docks, decks, board walks, pressure wash, stain, water seal,Endeck,Cevn, Azek,Trex, Evergrain, ShoreMaster, Tide Tamer, Lunmar, Iredell county, Catawba, Lincolnton, Denver,
free 6,000lbs boat lift please contact for details additional hrs of service details calls welcome any time. I'd be happy to help you in any way. For emergencies call first also email Description new construction, pier builder, boat dock builder,repairs, roof, fixed docks, boathouse, demolition and disposal, demo, cable lifts, floating lifts, gazebos, retaining walls,sea walls, wood, Lumber, composite, Vinyl,pile driving, poles, piles, decking,fixed docks, decks, board walks,
free 6,000lbs boat lift please contact for details additional hrs of service details calls welcome any time. I'd be happy to help you in any way. For emergencies call first also email Description new construction, pier builder, boat dock builder,repairs, roof, fixed docks, boathouse, demolition and disposal, demo, cable lifts, floating lifts, gazebos, retaining walls,sea walls, wood, Lumber, composite, Vinyl,pile driving, poles, piles, decking,fixed docks, decks, board walks,
pressure wash, stain, water seal,Endeck,Trex, Evergrain, ShoreMaster, Tide Tamer, Boat Lifts U.S., Iredell county, Catawba, Lincolnton, Denver, Troutman, Huntersville, Cornelius, Davidson, Mooresville, Statesville, Hickory, Lake Norman, mountain Island, Lake James, Lake Tillery, Badin Lake, High Rock Lake, Sherrills Ford, Terrell, electrician, Shoreside Services, Free Estimates Lake Norman North Carolina pier builder boat dock builder boat lifts pile
driving gazebos boardwalks sea walls. All custom Work Isn't Created Equal featured listings Lake Norman dock, pier builder, Boat lifts, LKN .Pile driving